Keeping you on the road.

Ph 4239003

41 Station Road Wellsford

Auto Services Wellsford have been looking after the local community and surrounding areas for over 21 years. The team has grown from a one-man band in the beginning to the thriving busy workshop of today with a staff of seven.

All of the staff are and have been residents of the local areas.   They are a great team with experienced technicians ready to work on your car. They pride themselves on having a modern up to date facility and are continually updating equipment.

Being a general repairer, they are able to work on a wide range of vehicles and they have an extensive knowledge base which enables them to tackle most tasks. . Being members of national bodies, such as MTA, Automotive Solutions and AA, adds strength to our already strong team.

Auto Services Wellsford a workshop with awesome customer service. 

Customer Testimonials

You guys live up to your name

Very grateful for what you have done


Brenda Robertson

As always great people skills and workmanship

Jan Styles

Good workmanship

Honest work

Paul Stewart


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